Solar Movies Movie Stream Dark Waters

Dark Waters
4.4 out of 5 stars - 706 votes





Actors: Tim Robbins

Directed by: Todd Haynes

2 H 6 Minutes

8,4 of 10

Genre: Biography

Dark Waters is a movie starring Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, and Tim Robbins. A corporate defense attorney takes on an environmental lawsuit against a chemical company that exposes a lengthy history of pollution

Dark waters ending.

Dark waters jeremy wade full episodes

Dark waters dupont.

Dark waters showtimes.

Dark waters. Dark waters video. Dark watersports. Dark waters vladimir vs soulstealer. Dark waters olga. Dark waters dogman. Dark waters pfas. Dark waters full episodes. Dark waters 2020. Dark waters jeremy wade 8. Dark waters murder in the deep. One of the more forgotten films of 2019 (especially during awards season) is Dark Waters. A very, very good look at an underdog story about one of the most powerful corporations in the world and how they wronged the world (and may still be) by poisoning the water we all drink. Mark Ruffalo, returning to this investigative sub-genre after 2015's Spotlight, gives another terrific performance, and he's supported by several other noteworthy actors doing great work. I think in many ways this film could have been more satisfying if it was made in a few years as the case(s) against Dupont is quite frankly, still going on. Alas, the film isn't necessarily something I would ever revisit since it's far from an enjoyable experience. But at the very least, Ruffalo's performance is something all film fans will appreciate.

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